Japanese Valentine’s Day Traditions


こんにちは〜 \(◕ω◕)/♥

There are only a few days left until Valentine’s day♥♥ Do you know how Japanese people celebrate Valentine’s day?


Valentine’s day in Japanese is バレンタインデー (barentain dē)

In Japan, Valentine’s day is the day for girls to give chocolates to the guy they like \(>ω<)/♥\(>ω<)/

It is common for girls to confess their love (告白-kokuhaku) on Valentine’s day by giving that special someone バレンタインチョコ (barentain choko-Valentine chocolate)♥♥

But Japanese girls don’t just give chocolate to the guy they like. There are actually three kinds of chocolate that are given on Valentine’s Day (◕ω◕)♥

The chocolate that is given to the guy you like is called 本命チョコ (honmei choko – literally, favorite chocolate).

Honmei choko can be expensive store-bought chocolate or, commonly,手作りチョコ (tezukuri choko)handmade chocolate \(◕ω◕)/♥

Many Japanese girls also give chocolate to their female friends on Valentine’s Day! This is called 友チョコ (tomo choko – friend chocolate) (◕ω<)♥(>ω◕)

The third kind of chocolate that is given on valentine’s day is called 義理チョコ (giri choko – obligatory chocolate)☆

Giri choko is chocolate that you give out of obligation to your boss, coworkers, or male friends to show your appreciation for them. This way, nobody gets left out on Valentine’s Day (-ω-)

white day

It may seem unfair that girls are expected to give out all this chocolate without any return. But don’t worry!

white day

In Japan, March 14th is White Day – the day guys get a chance to repay their ladies for their Valentine’s gift! Common White day gifts include sweets, flowers, and other small gifts.


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  1. I wish Americans and Chinese people gave out Valentine’s chocolates like that! I love how no one is left out. (:

    Comment by Joy on 01/21/2013 at 12:10 am
  2. I always tried to give all my friends a little something. Mostly just the girls, because they seem to appreciate it more, but sometimes the guys got something. That was back in highschool though. Here in America, it seems that most things go unappreciated, and small gestures mean nothing, and I dislike it, too 🙁

    Comment by Brendon on 02/08/2014 at 9:45 pm

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