☆ PuniPuni Youtube ☆
Are you familiar with the word 弁当(べんとう: Bentō) (>ω<)?
弁当(べんとう: Bentō) means lunchbox in Japanese♥
A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables, usually in a box-shaped container☆
But you know, Japan has more cute bento too (>ω<)♥(>ω<)
Kyaraben or charaben (キャラ弁), a shortened form of character bento!
Kawaii~♥おいしそう(*´ ω`)(´ω `*)♥
Get a bento box and bring your kawaii lunch to school♪⬇。・。‘
There are also a lot of kawaii bento accessories! Check them out! \(◕ω◕)/♥
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