Japanese Kotowaza: 急がば回れ


Japanese Kotowaza: 急がば回れ – Review Notes

Today we learned another interesting Japanese ことわざ (kotowaza): 急がば回れ (isogaba maware). Learn more about it below!


ことわざ (kotowaza) – Japanese Proverbs:


★ Today, we will learn another interesting ことわざ (kotowaza) – Japanese proverb or saying.

isogaba maware

★ The expression 急がば回れ means “If you rush, you’ll go around in circles.”

★ A similar expression in English is “Haste makes waste”

★ Sometimes if you try to take a shortcut, you end up getting lost and it takes more time than it would have if you just went the normal way.

★ The idea of this expression is that it is better to stay calm and do things in a sure way, rather than trying to find a quicker way.   

★ 急ぐ (isogu) meansto hurry”

★ 回る (mawaru) means “to go around in circles


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