Japanese Phrases: そうです (sou desu)


How to say “Apparently”,

“It seems like~” “It looks like~” in Japanese ~らしい

Japanese Phrases: そうです (sou desu) – Review Notes

Today we learned some more common Japanese phrases! Today’s Japanese phrases are all related to the phrase: そうです (sou desu). Today we will learn several variations of this phrase and how to use them!



 Today we will learn some common Japanese phrases!


 Today’s Japanese phrases are all based off the Japanese expression そうです。

 そうです。(sou desu) means “It is so” or “That’s right.”

 In casual speech you can leave off です (desu) and just sayそう。(sou)


 It is often used in combination with the word はい (hai) which means “Yes.”

 はい、そうです。 (hai, sou desu.)means “Yes, it is so.” or “Yes, that’s right.”

 You can use it as a positive response to any Yes/No question that you are asked.


 If you add the question-making particle か (ka) to the end of the sentence, you can ask “Is that so?” or “Really?”

 An appropriate response to this question would be はい、そうです。(hai, sou desu). 

 In casual Japanese, you can use そうか。(sou ka)instead.


 If you add the particle ね (ne) to the end of the sentence, it becomes そうですね。(sou desu ne) – “So it is, isn’t it?”

 そうですね。(sou desu ne)is used when agreeing with a statement.

 In casual Japanese, you can simply say そうね。(sou ne) or そうだね。(sou da ne)


 If you add the particle よ (yo) to the end of the sentence, it becomes そうですよ。(sou desu yo) – “Yes, I agree.”

 そうですよ。(sou desu yo)shows strong agreement.

 In casual Japanese, you can useそうだよ。(sou da yo)


 そうですよね。(sou desu yo ne)is a softer way to show strong agreement.

 In casual Japanese, you can useそうだよね。(sou da yo ne)



Today we learned many Japanese phrases based off the expression そうです。(sou desu) in Japanese! If you have any questions, leave a comment below!


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