Japanese Grammar: Asking Permission


Japanese Grammar: How to ask permission in Japanese – Review Notes

Today we will learn how to ask permission in Japanese using て-form (te-form) plus 〜もいいですか (mo ii desu ka).


ask permission

 Today we will learn how to ask permission in Japanese using て-form (te-form) plus 〜もいいですか (mo ii desu ka). This Japanese phrase is similar to the English expression “May I~?”

make te-form

 First, make the て-form (te-form) of the verb. If you do not know how to do this, please check out our other lesson here.

 Then, add〜もいいですか (mo ii desu ka)

example verbs

 Te-form Example 1: 座る (suwaru – “to sit”) changes to 座って (suwatte)

 Example 2: 開ける (akeru – “to open”) changes to 開けて (akete)

 Example 3: 借りる (kariru – “to borrow”) changes to 借りて (karite)

tonari ni suwatte mo ii desu ka

 隣に座ってもいいですか。(Tonari ni suwatte mo ii desu ka?) – “May I sit next to you?”

mado o akete mo ii desu ka

 窓を開けてもいいですか。(Mado o akete mo ii desu ka?) – “May I open the window?”

kasa o karite mo ii desu ka

 傘を借りてもいいですか。(Kasa o karite mo ii desu ka?) – “May I borrow an umbrella?”

casual japanese

 In casual Japanese, you can omit most of the particles in the sentence.


 To make the question we learned today more casual, you can just use the て-form (te-form) plus いい (ii) with a rising intonation.

tonari suwatte ii?

 隣、座っていい?(Tonari, suwatte ii?) – “Can I sit next to you?” (very casual)

mado akete ii?

 窓、開けていい?(Mado, akete ii?) – “Can I open the window?” (very casual)

kasa karite ii?

 傘、借りていい?(Kasa, karite ii?) – “Can I borrow an umbrella?” (very casual)


Formal Japanese:

 The expressions we learned today are meant to be used in situations where you are close to the person you are speaking to.

 In more formal situations, you should use this more formal expression:

 て-form plus 〜もよろしいでしょうか (mo yoroshii deshou ka)


Koko ni suwatte mo yoroshii deshou ka?

Would it be alright if I were to sit here?



Today we learned how to ask permission to do something in Japanese! If you have any questions, leave a comment below!


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